Video Content – The Easy Way

by | May 19, 2022 | Digital Agency, News | 0 comments

Descript is great for small businesses and entreprenuers!

I’ve noticed that most small businesses don’t have time to create content for their websites and social media.  It traditionally does take time and effort plus some technological expertise.

Along comes Descript.  My brother-in-law turned me onto this and I jumped onto their website and saw a very compelling video promoting the company.  It made me laugh out loud which, I think, is the best way to win over potential customers.  It’s worth watching!


What does it do?

I’ll tell you.  It provides a simple way to record video, either from your phone or computer, and then it transcribes what you say.  Then, you can edit your video by editing the transcription.  Really clever.

Also, it automatically detects your “ums” and “uhs” and gives you a single click to remove them.  It will tighten up gaps, allow you to drop in music and overlays.  You can even put your transcription on the video as subtitles.

There is wonderful collaboration tools which I’ve been using with clients to create quick and easy video content.

If you need content but lack the time and knowledge to do it, I highly recommend Descript.

Here’s a link to Descript. Check them out for yourself. If you have any questions about it and how my company uses it, please feel free to contact us.